Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I've Arrived (And To Prove It I'm Here)

Good evening. This is the first post in a blog that will publically document my adventures in the Republic of Korea, which began (on time) on Tuesday, September 7, 2009.

I flew into Incheon Airport at about 4 am and was picked up by the school's Associate Director. I've never had someone I've never met before waiting for me at the arrivals section of an airport, holding a sign with "Mr. Alex Donnelly" on it. In the past I had only seen it in movies, and for other rich folk at the airport. This was one of many firsts.

The airport is on a small island off the coast of Seoul, so we took a cab into the heart of the city, where I am to live, where I write from as you read this. She gave me the lowdown of my apartment which is VERY NICE. Studio Apartment, I am on the 29th floor. AMAZING view out of my window which, the entire wall is glass, and overlooks many tall buildings. In one area behind some buildings is a very large park. between the hours of 7 and 8 am, before a nap, I walked around the perimeter of the park. It was large. It was a nice solitary journey, watching the everyday rustle and bustle of such a densely populated areas.

There is already, not even 24 hours into my stay here in Korea, very very much to say, a large amount of it interesting. But, it will come in installments.

Cheers, Alex.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alex. Just seeing if I can post a comment and make it thru to you. I see there is a "select profile" pull down. Tell me if you get this.

    Uncle Tib
